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学会誌:「Hypertension Research」

Hypertension Research

Hypertension Research

シュプリンガー・ネイチャー(Springer Nature)

日本高血圧学会 編
Hypertension Research誌は2019年1月より冊子体の出版がなくなり、オンライン出版に
ご注文はメールにてご一報ください (hr-office@jpnsh.jp)


日本高血圧学会の学会誌Hypertension Researchは、高血圧領域の臨床および基礎の原著研究論文を中心とした欧文誌で、レビュー論文やEditorial(論説)も掲載しています。
シュプリンガー・ネイチャー(Springer Nature)より出版されている国際学術誌で、2022年のImpact Factorは5.4と高血圧専門誌の中で上位に位置付けされています。
また、年間最優秀論文1件、優秀論文2件に対してHypertension Research Awardを授与し、研究の奨励をはかっています。



Hypertension Research Online Submission



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    第14回 Hypertension Research Award 受賞者のご紹介

    去る9月16日に第14回 Hypertension Research Award最優秀賞、優秀賞の発表が行われました。

    第一次審査では、全35名の編集委員および国内Associate Editorが、2022年4月号から2023年3月号までに掲載された全論文を対象に、オリジナリティやインパクトを考慮して基礎・臨床・疫学の各分野別に合計10編を推薦しました。 二次審査では、6名以上の推薦があった16論文を対象に、新規性とデータ強固性を重視した5点満点の評価を行い、平均点の高い上位3名を受賞候補とし最終審査を行いました。いずれの審査においても、COIの観点から、審査員自身が関わる論文は評価をしませんでした。 3名の受賞候補者について理事会で最終承認を得て受賞者を決定しました。


    城 理絵先生 (慶應義塾大学)

    Mechanisms of mineralocorticoid receptor-associated hypertension in diabetes mellitus: the role of O-GlcNAc modification. Hypertension Research (2023) 46:19–31.

    城 理絵先生

    • この度は我々の論文を栄誉ある第14回Hypertension Research Award最優秀賞にご選出いただき誠にありがとうございました。論文作成にあたり、ご指導、ご支援いただいた先生方に心より御礼申し上げます。また査読者の先生方、ご審査いただきました先生方にも深く感謝申し上げます。
      我々はアルドステロン-ミネラルコルチコイド受容体(MR)活性化の分子機構の解明に長年取り組んでまいりました。近年、治療抵抗性高血圧や心不全に加え、糖尿病性腎症の進行抑制においてもMR拮抗薬の有効性が大規模臨床研究にて報告されてきましたが、糖尿病におけるMRの活性変化については既報がありませんでした。本研究ではこの点に着目し、高血糖環境で誘導されるO-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) 修飾がMRの転写活性に及ぼす影響について生化学的手法および糖尿病モデル動物を用いて検討を行いました。その結果、MRが-GlcNAcによって修飾を受けること、さらに高血糖環境ではこの修飾の増加を介してMR蛋白が安定化し、アルドステロン感受性が亢進することをin vitroおよびin vivoにおいて明らかにしました。本研究により、高血圧を含む糖尿病合併症進展のメカニズムの1つとしてMR過剰活性化が関与している可能性が示されました。今後は糖尿病と高血圧について、MR拮抗薬の意義等に注目しながら、臨床面での研究に取り組んでいきたいと考えております。今後ともご指導ご鞭撻のほど、何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。


    Brandon Shokoples先生 (McGill University/University of Calgary)

    Angiotensin II-induced a steeper blood pressure elevation in IL-23 receptor-deficient mice: Role of interferon-γ-producing T cells Hypertension Research (2023) 46:40–49.

    Dr.Brandon Shokoples

    • I humbly accept the prestigious 14th Hypertension research award and would like to extend our gratitude on behalf of all my co-authors who contributed substantially to the success of the project. I am honoured to be a recipient of this award and it provides tremendous gratification to the efforts our team put into this manuscript.
      Our research hypothesized that in the absence of a functional interleukin (IL)-23 receptor, less proinflammatory IL-17 producing T cells would be present in the perivascular adipose tissue, leading to lower blood pressure and reduced vascular damage in angiotensin II-infused mice. However, we discovered that in mice lacking a functional IL-23 receptor (Il23r knock-in [Il23rgfp/gfp]) they had smaller and stiffer arteries, and more interferon-γ producing , CD4+, and CD8+ T cells in the perivascular adipose tissue. These conditions actually lead the Il23r knock-in mice to develop hypertension faster in response to angiotensin II-infusion than wild-type mice, demonstrating that an imbalance in IL-17 and IFN-γ T cells may contribute to the pathogenesis of hypertension.
      Prior experiments from our group had demonstrated that a subset of T cells that display a memory phenotype, termed effector memory T cells, develop in the perivascular adipose tissue after exposure to a hypertensive stimulus. Adoptive transfer of T cells from hypertensive mice to naïve mice predisposed mice to have exaggerated blood pressure elevation in response to what is normally a subpressor dose of angiotensin II. These results further cement a role for T cells in the pathogenesis of hypertension, and suggest that memory T cells may play a role in the maintenance of chronic hypertension. Finally, our most recent research has utilized a single cell sequencing approach to identify novel immune subsets that infiltrate the perivascular adipose tissue during hypertension. We next plan to further characterize these novel subsets, identifying those that could provide therapeutic targets for the management of hypertension.
      Once again, I would like to extend my appreciation for being selected to receive the 14th Hypertension research award.

    Ebtehal Salman先生 (滋賀医科大学)

    Investigation of the urinary sodium-to-potassium ratio target level based on the recommended dietary intake goals for the Japanese population: The INTERMAP Japan. Hypertension Research (2022) 45: 1850–1860.

    Dr.Ebtehal Salman

    • I am deeply honored and genuinely humbled to accept the prestigious Hypertension Research Award. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Japanese Society of Hypertension for selecting our paper for this esteemed accolade. Our research identifies the cut-off level of urinary sodium-to-potassium (Na/K) ratio in the Japanese population using data from the INTERMAP study. Dietary intake of sodium and potassium has emerged as a crucial influencer in disease and the balance between these two minerals plays a pivotal role in regulating blood pressure. Thus far, a clear cut-off level of the Na/K ratio has not been defined. We investigated Na/K ratio cut-off in the Japanese population under the revised 2020 Japanese Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). The data of 1,145 men and women between the ages 40-59 were analyzed using the average of 24-h urinary collections and dietary recalls to calculate the 24-h Na/K ratios, respectively. From the Receiver Operating Characteristics curves and sex-specific cross tables for recommended dietary sodium and potassium, the optimal urinary Na/K ratio was determined. Results show that a urinary Na/K ratio of approximately 2 predicts the intake of both minerals to meet the DRIs dietary goals, slightly varying by gender. To accomplish the ratio of 2 is desirable to achieve the dietary intake set by the guidelines in the Japanese population and this advocates for lowering sodium intake and increasing potassium intake. The findings of the study might help develop practical guidelines for estimating healthy dietary sodium and potassium intake from urinary Na/K ratio in the middle-aged Japanese population. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all of the professors who cooperated in the research for their unwavering support and guidance without whom this research could not have been done. In accepting this award, I am reminded of the responsibility that accompanies such recognition. I pledge to continue my commitment to contribute to hypertension research and the scientific community and to uphold the values that this award symbolizes.





